sarcomas, for example, is that if the tumor is benign , oma is usually added to the Greek or Latin name. If the tumor is malignant , sarcoma is added.
The term for bone, for example, is osteo, so a benign tumor in the bone is an osteoma and a malignant tumor is an osteosarcoma. The term for fat is lipo, so there are lipomas and liposarcomas.
There are also different names for some organs, so a carcinoma of the stomach may be called a gastric carcinoma and a carcinoma of the kidney may be referred to as renal carcinoma. There are also alternative designations. For example, since the glands in the lung usually line the air passage (bronchus), carcinomas of the lung are sometimes called bronchogenic carcinoma (genic being the Latin way of saying "formed from").